Place to stay in Sematan

 The most popular place to stay at Sematan is Palm Beach Resort. It is located in Sematan. It is also same way to go to Abang Amin Beach. Just a bit far from there. There has nice view to see sea.

This is the chalet in Palm Beach Resort.

This is pool that provided in Palm Beach Resort.
Room inside the chalet for family suite.

Next accommodation is Village Sematan. It is operated by local. Its also located infront of beach.

There also has homestays in Sematan. Kampung Pueh is the chosen Village to has homestay because there has Pueh Longhouse. Even the local house also has homestay.

The main entrance to Pueh Longhouse.

The local who live in this Pueh Longhouse is Dayak Salako.
There only chosen room only can receive this program homestay.
The older man in this longhouse make local product to sell to tourist.


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